How to build a chronological style resume

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Always remember that the purpose of a resume is to get an interview with the employer. Capture your information on paper with enough detail to identify that you can do the job applied for. All resume techniques have evolved and continue to evolve with this result in mind.

In the chronological resume, education and work experience are presented in reverse chronological order. Beginning with the most recent item and ending with the least recent one. This style is ideal if you have had a steady history of related employment which can show and emphasize your growth and progress.

Include contact information as follows : Name, Complete address, postal code, telephone number and if no answering machine, provide an alternative number of a friend, neighbor or relative who can take a message. Email, if used, should not attract negative attention and be checked regularly during your job search. Additional relevant sections can be added to the standart headings when appropriate :

Additional information on the resume will help the employer decide if you should be considered for an interview.

The following format will assist the reader to easily assess your fit for the job.


Objective : name the job, company or the industry you are targeting.


Highlights : describing the length of experience, important skills and credentials plus soft skills that describe you relevant to the job.


Work History : the main feature of a chronological style resume – listed by date in reverse order. For job seekers with a steady history in the same or similar work, this style will show the strength of your experience. Name your most recent job first. Then list your skills and responsibilities.


Education and training should be included. You decide how much detail to give here. Name the diploma or degree earned or the length of the training course. Try to keep information relevant to your job objective.


Special accomplishments (optional) can be shown to advantage by placing apart from other sections and can involve compliments, awards, projects or events from the past – from workplace or outside the workplace.


Volunteer experience (optional) / Hobbies and interests (optional) : Both of these may be included. Try to identify roles and activities that set you apart and indicate additional relevant skills, commitment or responsibility.


References : should be placed on a separate sheet but note that they can be supplied on request. Ask staff how to go about this important task and what information to include.

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